
Japan Weeks

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This is an archive from the previous blog.

It's been 2 weeks since I came back to Japan. There are several things I had taken for granted but now find a bit wired.

Diet with too many carbs

They say Japanese food is healthy. Yes it is, only if a word “traditional” comes before “Japanese food.” What Japanese eat daily is not traditional ones of fish and vegetables, but ones with deep-fried stuff, which contain lots of oil. Indeed I ate lots of oily and junky North American food in Canada, but they're mostly cheese and meat, which are more or less protein! This is good for me, who needs more fat and muscle.

Too little portion

Another thing about diet. A portion of a meal is too little. I thought eating out in Japan is cheaper than in other western countries I've been to. Taking into the portion of a meal, however, it's not always the case. Usually I didn't have to order side dishes to get full at a restaurant in Toronto, but I have to in Japan, ending up paying the same amount of money as I do in Toronto. Can I get used to Japanese portion of a meal as I stay here longer?

Homogenized businessman

Compared to the most diverse city in the world, most of the cities on the globe would be categorized as this one, but still I find Japanese society homogenized. I had a conference in the downtown Osaka and had to take trains that other businessmen used to commute. The first question: Why do we have to wear suits in this humid climate? Suits are originally from the UK, where it has a milder climate and less humid. It feels a bit even overwhelming to be on a commuter train in Japan, seeing a bunch of businessmen wearing the same suits and playing with their smartphones. Although I've written these negative things, I still like to live in Japan. However, after living in a much more diverse and of freedom city, where your individuality is respected and your own will as an individual is realized if it's reasonable, I'd have to say I want to try myself in the west in the future.


One thing that is clear to me from the last two months is that at least for me, I should choose where I live based on what I do, not simply because I want to go somewhere else. North America seems to let you try what you want to do whatever it is unless it's illegal, while some countries don't.