
Canada Week 7&8

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This is an archive from the previous blog.

I've just finished the research there and I'm waiting for transit in Detroit. I'd like to share with you briefly what seems important. I said “share with you” but it's mostly “share with me in the future.”


It's quite simple. The more energetic you're the more things you can try, regardless of whether it's about your work or leisure. Be curious about anything around you and don't stop challenging. Of course, your lifestyle and accustoms are important to keep the motivation. I'd like to pay more attention to my both mental and physical health.

What you do

Be proud of what you do. Because I haven't had any specific thing I want to do from the bottom of my heart, I've value more on how I live rather than what I live on. However, most of the societies we live in are not designed for those who have such a vague idea. If you don't have any specific things you want to do, like me, get to like what you do because it is what you do, whether it's work or study, that you spend most of your time. Those who have a specific idea of what to do can make what they do what they want to do, but if you're not one of them, make yourself like it. If you cannot make yourself like what you do by any means, try something new.

Appropriate self-evaluation

Don't overestimate yourself, and don't underestimate yourself. Overestimation gives you rubbish proud and takes opportunities to grow away from you. Underestimation makes you feel powerless and gives you excuses to give up challenges. Personally, I feel I underestimated myself and used it as an excuse. No matter how powerless you seem, don't be hopeless and start doing what you can do.

As for the city of Toronto, I love it. It might be because I haven't experienced winter there. Still, I want to come back here someday.